The swift introduction of novel FlexiHubs that deliver safe in-clinic patient care has been an unqualified success for our provider network Tāmaki Health over the COVID-19 crisis period.
Seven of the larger clinics in our network have redesigned their space to channel patients into separate areas specific to their required treatment. As well as ensuring the smooth and efficient delivery of care to patients, the approach has helped to contain the spread of the virus. They are also helping to ease the pressure on DHB emergency departments.
Separate treatment areas within each of the seven FlexiHub clinics have been created for vaccinations, respiratory care, general healthcare and urgent medical services. This has meant, for example, that someone requiring a flu vaccine does not need to come into contact with another person who is presenting with respiratory problems.
Any patients requiring testing for COVID-19 are seen off-site at one of our community based assessment centres (CBACs).
“In particular, during this period the hubs have become key to our approach for dealing with low income families, who may not have the broadband or phone credit for the option of our virtual consults,” says Tāmaki Health chief executive Steffan Crausaz.
Immediate triage provided
When a patient arrives at one of our FlexiHubs, they are triaged outside the entrance by a practice nurse who assesses the healthcare need and may even take the patient’s temperature. The patient is then directed to the team inside the centre that is best able to assist, or off-site if COVID testing is required.
The Flexihubs provide services under the White Cross and Local Doctors banners. They are White Cross Mt Wellington, White Cross Glenfield, Mt Roskill Medical and Surgical Centre, Local Doctors in Weymouth Manurewa, Local Doctors in Flatbush, Local Doctors in Otara, Local Doctors Mangere Town Centre.
To meet their increased staffing need, some of the small clinics in the Tāmaki Health network have been temporarily closed and their healthcare teams have been transferred to work at these larger centres.